Thursday, March 30, 2023

A few more berserkers and the painted lady...

 Just a few more models for the ancients army.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Games!; Caverns, Crypts, & Catacombs

 After many moons of not playing my own game, we decided to play the dungeon crawl yesterday - running three games through the same mega-dungeon.

Descending into the tavern's basement, we discover it's connected to a large underground network.
Without the crowns to bribe the Troll we decide to run past it and make for the exit.
A horde of goblins waiting for us.
We stumble upon some rather obscene ritual.
Slowly stacking all the dead bodies as the quests continue...
Nearly meeting our end when we get jumped by cave spiders and an angry Cockatrice
The aftermath of the gaming.
Escaping the other tavern room (which happens to be on fire...) we stumble into way too many bad guys for our wounded party.
A vampire, an undead knight and orcs...while we're almost dead?  Hard pass.
Another view of the party being ambushed by cave spiders.
Oh, ambushed on the stairs before entering the dungeon?  Sure why not. Momma spider gotta eat.
Hacking our way through a pile of zombies.
Descending them slippery slopes.
Alright, who woke the angry dead ghost guys?
We wait to ambush a goblin party headed our direction.
The Dwarf takes a swing from the angry Troll because only the Dwarf was slow enough to get caught.
The party fighting a group of goblins and orcs.
Orcs give the party a pretty serious hammering before they're dealt with.
Kicking in a door to find orcs and goblins waiting on us.
The first chamber of the quest and we find out we're not the only ones searching for the missing child.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Galloping General

 I finally got up the nerve to do the last of my three Victrix chariots and decided to make a heavier/general/command chariot.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The marching horde grows...

 My "not" Dacians continue to bolster their forces...

Monday, March 20, 2023

Solo Battlegroup for testing

 The other evening I got the Battlegroup Facebook group involved in helping me randomly design forces for a 400 point solo Battlegroup game.  I only played about four turns but it was just to see how the randomization tables worked.

I concocted D66 tables for both Soviets and Germans for 1943 (just post Kursk), with both an Attacker and Defender table for each.  I had people on the Facebook group roll for me and I assembled the two forces to try them out.  It worked pretty well.

Just some pictures from the game:

Saturday, March 18, 2023

A game and some Berserkers.

 Nothing much to report lately, but a small GM'ed game of Merciless.

And painted up a few more stands of Berserkers for my FSF army.