Friday, March 19, 2021

Dungeon crawling and the room of impossible zombies...


Got in two games of testing the dungeon crawl today.  We started our first game...and were ambushed on the staircase.  Luckily it was a troll who we bribed so he'd leave us alone.  Entering the room we encountered a pack of ghouls, backed up by a slowly growing horde of zombies.

The danger here was that zombies generate each turn - so if you're not hacking them down, the horde grows...endlessly.  We had to fight single-file through the ghoul pack.  Eventually we slowly hacked our way into the zombies - with the Dwarf leading the way.

Eventually, after maybe thirty minutes of game play, we finally cleared the room of the zombies.  In the end we slew perhaps 35-40 zombies (from an original number of seven!).  A thoroughly difficult first Chamber!

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