Thursday, February 8, 2018

Games!: Shoot N' Skedaddle Blood Bath

Got in a game last night with some friends...a three way fight between two Lawmen posses and an Outlaw gang...much blood was spilt.

 This became possibly the silliest/crazist game of Shoot N' Skedaddle I've played to date.

 (Starts humming "Let the bodies hit the floor...")


  1. Are all those buildings 4ground ones? It looks like some repainting happened? (like the trim on rogans bar)

    Fine looking game. How long is play time for SnS?

    1. Yep, they're almost all 4Ground - though the fences, water tower and other junk are from other sources. I don't think I have any non-4Ground buildings remaining. I do re-paint some of them from colours I don't like. It's easy if you spray the MDF sheets (which is how they do it) when you get them. SnS can be quick or lengthy, depends on the size of the board, the number of characters you play and dumb luck. This game went a good 3 hours with three people playing on a 6x5. You could do a small game in under 30-40 minutes probably.
