Friday, October 2, 2020

Apparently people post on my blog (read: I'm an idiot).

 I've been running this blog since maybe 2014...and I never look at stats.  I used to get the occasional email when someone would reply to a blog post - but I don't receive emails anymore.  I never gave it a second thought.

It turns out I have 70+ blog comments that were submitted...awaiting moderation.  I never even clicked on that portion of my blog.

I want to take a moment to apologize to everyone from...2018(?) and up who has posted a question or critique or compliment.  I've absolutely not seen the comments...and thus I never answered a single question or thanked anyone for commenting!

I'm going through them I apologize if you get a hobby question answered that is two years old!

I will now actually check my comments when I log a normal person.


C.I.I.C. (Chief Idiot in Charge)


  1. Easily done :) I have done exactly the same thing (admittedly only to about 12 people as I don’t really publicise my blog) so your not alone. Keep up the good work your posts here and LAF are really helping to inspire me.

  2. Yes, it was fairly disconcerting when they stopped sending you emails about comments. Certainly missed a few comments myself (and still do from time to time).
