Saturday, October 31, 2020

Zayafid, Reaper Mini

Trying to pull myself out of one of those "you don't know how to paint and you suck" funks.

This is Zayafid, a Reaper mini I've had on hand for maybe a year or two.  Happy with the result, and I like the miniature.  A great monk or caster, or even just a warrior.  Perhaps a good figure to take on the role of Ahmed Ibn Fahadlan from The 13th Warrior? 


  1. He turned out very well. I quite like the neutral colours with the burst of blue/turqoise.

    1. Thanks, Dave. Yeah, as you are well aware by how I paint, I vastly prefer desaturated colours. But for certain things I don't mind a splash of colour. I do think a splash contrasts well with subdued stuff.
