Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tiny...tough to paint...Goblins

Attempting to replace my Goblins for my fantasy gaming which I sold on eBay a year or so ago.  I picked up some Reaper goblins sculpted by Tre Manor (one of my favourite sculptors) without realizing how small they were.

The colours didn't come out the way I wanted, but...they're goblins.  I'll try to do the other six.  They're on 25mm bases which are quite big for how tiny the models are (and sadly the archers are even smaller).

My eyes aren't what they used to be and I'm definitely struggling with painting stuff this small.

Games!: 40K, 8th Edition

Got in a game of normal 40K tonight vs. my buddy John and his impossible-to-beat Dark Angels.

I actually won the game by driving hard to the scenario objective (and fleeing the table...effectively).  A somewhat silly game, but fun regardless of the minimal casualties.

Monday, May 27, 2019

A strong finish for May!

Finally got off my ass and made some forward hobby progress.

I scrounged around and found just enough leftover bits to do another seven man Plague Marine squad, and I slapped together five Games Workshop skeletons to add to the seven I did a month or two ago (12 seems a good number for dungeon crawl baddies).

Friday, May 24, 2019

Slowly stumbling along...Negavolt Cultists

I assembled and primed these guys several months ago when I picked up Blackstone Fortress.  When that game turned out to be a bit of a dud (just not terribly interesting), I let these guys sit on the desk forever.  In the rush to staying on track with 10 models/month, I painted these up the other night just to get them out of the way.

2019: 47 painted models (does not include terrain or minor paintjobs on stuff like Star Wars armada miniatures, etc.)

I may never even use these guys but they work as a crazy sci-fi baddies for future endeavors.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Serpenting the Waves, Part Tres.

A third Wave Serpent assembled for my...unreasonably large Eldar grav fleet.