Sunday, May 23, 2021

Games!: Shoot n' Skedaddle

 Just a couple pictures of a typically violent and mayhem filled game of Shoot N' Skedaddle from last night.

Outlaws make it to the Lawmen before they can smuggle all of the barrels of powder into the building.
The Lawmen's wagon is ambushed while unloading into the objective building (where a gunfight is already occurring).
The Drifter holds a hostage as he engages in a point-blank gunfight with a Lawmen Hired Gun.
The Marshal ends the stand-off with a lucky shot (which misses both the Hired Gun and the Hostage) and blows the Drifter in half with a buffalo gun.
The wake of the Drifter who has wandered through town, slaying Lawmen.
More Outlaws creep toward the objective building, hearing the gunfight.
The table set up.
Also...the table set up.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Games!: Heartbreak at Pepyanguska, and some dungeoneering.

So, sadly our third and last game for our miniature campaign of Pepyanguska...turned into one of the worst wargaming experiences I've had!  In a 550-point game, over about 2.5 hours...I killed four soldiers and one AT gun.

 Just one of those games: 

  • Opening artillery: Failed.
  • Bombing run: Failed.
  • Assault guns pelting trenches: Failed (not a single casualty from three vehicles firing over numerous turns)
  • Mine Strike token drawn when no enemy vehicle on the table to play it on...
  • Rolled 2-3 orders (on D4+D6) four times in a row.
  • Almost every time an infantry unit of mine rolled after one casualty the unit broke and fled.
  • etc. etc. etc.

I was actually ahead on Battle Rating, but conceded out of pure frustration.  A sour ending to the great two previous games.  Rolling hundreds of dice...with just no result occurring.

But, shortly after we had a great couple of games of Caverns, Crypts & Catacombs which was refreshing.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Games!: The second battle of Pepyanguska.

 So my Battlegroup Buddy and I decided that we were going to smash heads again over the same village from the other day.

We've named the town Pepyanguska (inspired by the "Pepper your Angus" meme).