Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Sliding into base at the end of the year...over 500 minis painted!

Yes, it's cheating.  I 'painted' up these last 10 minis today.  These are spectral heavy infantry which can be summoned by a spell in Famine, Sword, & Fire.

These ten guys put me over 500 painted miniatures in 2024!  That exceeds my previous best by...around 250 minis.  These are Fireforge Living Dead Warriors just primed and hit with some Vallejo contrast paints.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Araby Mercenary Cavalry

A large portion of 'Brivoli's Great Company' (my Warhammer themed mercenary army) will be of Araby origin.  My working thesis is simply that Anselmo, while on a Crusade in Araby, refused direct orders to slaughter a large number of Araby prisoners.  In doing so, he was either forced out of the mercenary company he was employed by...or he fought to escape it.  The prisoners were so taken with this decision that they provided Anselmo a life debt...and now serve alongside him in his newly founded mercenary organization.

That's the plan, anyway.

Up first is a small unit of light cavalry, made from Fireforge Northmen cavalry mixed with their Berber infantry box.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Chaos Dwarf army as it sits...

An army shot for the update...early December, 2024.  I'd imagine the army is around 65% complete at this point.

Even more Hobgoblins...

Churning toward the end of the huge Hobgoblin quota for this army, I've finished a unit of mounted archers, and I forgot to snap a picture of this Sneaky Gitz hero.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Hobgoblin Horde increases...

Been working on some more models for the constantly growing Hobgoblin horde.  A Hobgoblin general on on a wolf, a few Hobgoblin couriers on wolves, and a Chaos Dwarf sorcerer (the first of many!).