Sunday, March 9, 2025

Hiss, Rattle, Boom.

 Not my favourite kit, but I quickly painted up the Steam Tank I received in the Empire Battalion Box.


Friday, March 7, 2025

Clippity Cloppity.

 I snagged a box of Empire pistoliers from the local store (great use of some store credit!).  I de-GW'ed them a good bit with some conquistador heads, etc.  This unit will serve as skirmish missile cavalry and will provide the eyes-and-ears of my mercenary company.


Advice from Dr. Ian Malcolm


I've had some comments, and rightfully so, asking where all my Chaos Dwarfs are in my...'Chaos Dwarf' army.  Don't worry, they're coming.  I've just finished my second (and last?) proper unit of warriors.  These guys are a lot of work, and I actually dread doing another unit, so I'm absolutely chuffed to be done with them.
The Hobgoblins are more or less complete, with only a handful of skirmishers left to do.  From here on out, you're going to start to see the proper heavy boys showing up...they'll also be premiering in the campaign games we've been playing as well.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wagons for thee? Well chariots for me!

Had a productive few days.  I finished up the first light infantry company for Brivoli's Great Company, a group of Araby inspired swordsmen.  I then knocked out another simple sorcerer for the Chaos Dwarfs.  I had a random thought of trying to make Hobgoblin chariots - so I found a deal on some Old World Orc chariots and ordered a box...bashing them into both a heavy and a light version.  This will help flesh out the Hobgoblins as their own force when I feel like playing them without any actual Chaos Dwarfs.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Some kit-bashed war wagons for Brivoli's Great Company

 I decided to add some more weird units to my mercenary company...some proper war wagons.  I kit-bashed some Great Escape Games wagons, threw some Conquistadors from Wargames Atlantic in there, added some rails, and ladders, etc.  They're joined by an additional hero...and a few bases of pavises for my Hobgoblin archers.


Friday, February 7, 2025

FSF Campaign Game 3: Dwarfs ambush poor Hobgoblins (and pay the price!)

 Just a few pictures from my third campaign game with my buddy.  Here is a quick recap:
Game 1: Hobgoblins ambush a Dwarf trade caravan headed toward Barak Varr.  A Dwarf shaman escapes, but the caravan's captain and his son are captured by the Hobgoblins.  Brivoli's Great Company arrive to help the Dwarfs.
Game 2: While tracking the Hobgoblins, Dwarfs find a destroyed town, and try to locate evidence on whether or not the Dwarf captain and his son are still alive.  The Dwarfs drove off another Hobgoblin ambush.
Game 3:  Dwarf scouts tracked the Dwarf captain and his son to an abandoned estate in the middle of the woods.  A large number of Hobgoblins were asleep in the estate.  The Dwarfs, with some mercenary cavalry, ambush the Hobgoblins in the middle of the night.  Having slain most of the Hobgoblins, the Dwarfs were fleeing with the hostages when they were set upon by a large relief force of wolf riders.  The Dwarfs were wiped out, and the captain and his son were taken hostage again..or slain(?).


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Siege of Augusta, FSF and more FSF!

This year I almost didn't attend Siege of Augusta (a wargaming convention in...shock...Augusta, Georgia). I decided to attend last minute, so I didn't schedule a table, etc.

I showed up and was able to set up my dungeon crawl in the hall outside which turned out to be great (less noise, smell and heat!).  I only ran three games before calling it a night.

The next day I decided not to run demos of Famine, Sword, & it really is a bit too much for a convention game.  Instead I played a few games with my friends and had a good time (also managing to sneak into a side room - even lesssss noise, etc.!).  Thanks to the guys running the ADLG tournament!

I only took a few pictures, but snagged some from my friends.

And then some games of FSF...

Following this, my buddies did a game of FSF the following day when I returned home. A game in which my buddy's rapidly expanding Bretonnian army demolished an Orc raiding party along the Black Peninsula.

Also including some army pictures we took of his Bretonnian force.