Saturday, November 16, 2019

Caverns, Crypts & Catacombs: Chapter Two

It's a boring, damp Saturday so I figured I'd bust out the CCC again and get in a few games (at least one!).

When last we departed, our Hero Party had just made it through a five-room dungeon and escaped the clutches of a horde of angry Zombies.

In the second playtest we find the Heroes arrayed again for a six-room dungeon which must be cleared and then exited through the starting door (meaning a long travel back!).

The Hero Party enters the dungeon on the viewer's right (wooden staircase).  They must clear each room of any encounters and then exit via the same staircase.  There are a few cards which create additional exits, but you can't count on them!
 Between adventures I use some small cheap coin bags, and some parchment envelopes to keep heroes money/cards from adventure to adventure.
 Unlike last Quest, the first Chamber finds only a small group of Goblins, fighting over some treasure nearby...
 The Heroes move in and dispatch the Goblins with relative ease.  An arrow shot by the Elf made the last two Goblins flee.
Entering the second Chamber, it turns out to be the Guard Room, granting its occupants 'Ambush'!  Luckily one of the Encounters drawn is a treasure.  The Zombies fall upon the party from the collapsing roof!
The Zombies are dispatched rather quickly, with one of the better Hero Phases of the game - the Barbarian and Warrior finally doing what they advertise!  Bashing everything to bits.  The Heroes spread out and check out the room, acquiring some goods.  The treasure (bottom of the picture) is left alone.  It's worth a lot of crowns, but it injures the Hero carrying it...better not to risk it.

The Heroes kick in a door, and a trap narrowly misses them.  Luckily this old kitchen seems abandoned...

Heading into the next Chamber they discover a gruesome Torture Chamber (a room which harms all Adventurers!).  Furthermore, a group of angry Verminkind are present...the Heroes decide to fall back and fight in the hallway!

The Heroes fall into the hallway.  This prevents them from being wounded by the malicious Chamber, and forces the Verminkind to fight one-on-one, meaning the Heroes can survive more easily.  Slowly but surely they eliminate the angry ratmen.

Now...a hiccup.  The Chamber inflicts wounds on Heroes who end their Hero Phase inside.  There is a single door leading to the rest of the dungeon.  If it's locked it could trap the group in the room for several turns.  Hreimdi the brave Dwarf decides he'll risk it and takes a wound running through the chamber.  Luckily he finds the door unlocked and opens it, escaping further harm.  He whistles for his companions.

 Brave Hreimdi kicks open the door, avoiding more injuries in the deadly Torture Chamber.

Unfortunately the room is home to some Skeletons.  Now Hreimdi has to hold out until the rest of the Hero Party gets there!

On the way to aid Hreimdi the Skeletons charge, and the Heroes suffer a few wounds as the Elf trips while running through the Torture Chamber.  Luckily she is able to kill enough Skeletons to run into the safety of the next Chamber.  The Heroes burn a lot of Luck dice here to make sure they crush the Skeletons quickly!

 The Heroes reach the final room and kick open the door...only to find it empty.  A poisonous fog lays on the room...injuring the Heroes.  They withdraw.

Another injurious trap was drawn in the final Chamber as well.  Maybe this is what slew any Creatures nearby...

On the way out of the dungeon, the Heroes suffer more wounds in the Torture Chamber.  However, the brave Warrior, Rosalie...grabs the deadly Treasure item on the way out of the dungeon and survives (just!).

 In the middle of the game, the Barbarian is suffering heavily...he ends the Quest on two-dice.

 The Elf nearly got herself killed with this roll...

 The end of Quest two, the Heroes have acquired more skills, traits and some items!

Rosalie, our intrepid Warrior escapes the dungeon carrying the most valuable (and deadly) Treasure.  The reward is suitable!  (Gold = 25 crowns, Silver = 5 crowns, Copper = 1 crown).

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