Monday, June 15, 2020

Potato phone pictures of the Russian horde!

While moving stuff around on a shelf, I took these minis out and snapped a few poor photos.  I finished another rifle platoon today and an additional sapper squad and a second 50mm mortar.  I also snapped a pic of my completed infantry, and then my whole current force sitting in its "waiting" tray!

 New recruits arrive from the train depot...
 The assembled collection thus far...
All of my current infantry.

Overall, pretty happy with the results, and happy that I'm at the stage as a wargamer/hobbyist that I can envision something and make it happen with decent results, in a planned and methodical method.  I was able to find a solution to numerous problems and I'm right where I'd like to be with regard to being able to play Battlegroup (minus needing some proper terrain!).

As with all of my projects I always try to do the most boring stuff first.  In this instance...a company of Russian infantry and some assembled officers and support teams.  While I have a bunch of additional infantry left to do at some point (various communications teams, etc.), my bulk infantry are done.  Everything else will now seem like a joy to paint by comparison!

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