Monday, March 20, 2023

Solo Battlegroup for testing

 The other evening I got the Battlegroup Facebook group involved in helping me randomly design forces for a 400 point solo Battlegroup game.  I only played about four turns but it was just to see how the randomization tables worked.

I concocted D66 tables for both Soviets and Germans for 1943 (just post Kursk), with both an Attacker and Defender table for each.  I had people on the Facebook group roll for me and I assembled the two forces to try them out.  It worked pretty well.

Just some pictures from the game:


  1. Are the solo Battlegroup rules part of the main rule book a=or are they your on design?

    1. Oh there are no solo BG rules - just running the game solo to get a feel for the randomized forces.
