Monday, September 9, 2024

Games!: Famine, Sword, & Fire against more orcs!

Got in a game of FSF with a new opponent who is in the process of building a generic "evil" army.  I lost, of course.


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Wargames Atlantic: Landsknecht Ogre Mercenaries!

 While I've been working on a lot of terrain and game design, I've decided to start slowly assembling a handful of mercenary units - mainly because our local game group is very light on "good guys".  While I'm not anxious to start a whole new army, building some cool mercenary units which can be farmed out (like...mercenaries!) to the good guys that my friends are building/painting is..palatable.

This box of Landsknecht Ogres from Wargames Atlantic is perfect because it provides me a unit of eight heavy infantry with a spare hero - all for just a tad over $30.  Solid.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Some games of Scrapheap, and some filthy peasants!

 Got some games of Scrapheap in earlier in the week.  As usual we made some claustrophobic 'jungle gyms of death'.

Also put together some spare models I had on hand for the start of some 'peasant mobs' for Famine, Sword, & Fire.  These are npc units that'll feature in some scenarios.  I have another box on hand to assemble and paint.