Saturday, September 21, 2024

A secret project is spoiled!

Well, in secret over the past five months I've been assembling and painting a new army for Famine, Sword, & Fire.  Today the target of the secret project, my buddy, was digging around in my boxes while I was gaming with another friend...when I hear "Hey, what is this?".

Fortunately the secret scheme was due to be revealed within a few weeks, so it's not a great loss.

So, with great relish I reveal my most time-intensive project thus far - Chaos Dwarfs.  All resin 3D prints, painted to my highest hobby standard (which ain't that high!).  There is a LOT more to come for this force of ancient fantasy Persians!



  1. Wonderful painting and a really unique army. I remember seeing the digital sculpts for it somewhere quite a while ago, but this is the first I have seen of fully painted units - great stuff!

    1. Thanks! Yeah it's going to be unique for's one of the least appreciated armies, so it'll be cool to have something no one else is likely to play!

  2. Love the Chaos Dwarfs. The entire army is wonderfully painted.

    1. Thanks, Tom. A lot more to come...though painting is slow!
