Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Siege of Augusta, FSF and more FSF!

This year I almost didn't attend Siege of Augusta (a wargaming convention in...shock...Augusta, Georgia). I decided to attend last minute, so I didn't schedule a table, etc.

I showed up and was able to set up my dungeon crawl in the hall outside which turned out to be great (less noise, smell and heat!).  I only ran three games before calling it a night.

The next day I decided not to run demos of Famine, Sword, & Fire..as it really is a bit too much for a convention game.  Instead I played a few games with my friends and had a good time (also managing to sneak into a side room - even lesssss noise, etc.!).  Thanks to the guys running the ADLG tournament!

I only took a few pictures, but snagged some from my friends.

And then some games of FSF...

Following this, my buddies did a game of FSF the following day when I returned home. A game in which my buddy's rapidly expanding Bretonnian army demolished an Orc raiding party along the Black Peninsula.

Also including some army pictures we took of his Bretonnian force.