Sunday, June 16, 2019

40K table, and Orcs which come and go!

This is the table yesterday from a 40K game (my buddy took some pics in-game, I'll see if I can steal some).  Really wasn't feeling the game at all, but it was nice to have some friends over.

Also painted some Reaper Bones (ugh!) Orcs...which I will be replacing soon as I found some Orcs I like least from seeing them online.  Will probably pass these off to recoup some moneys.

I love Reaper Bones material but it really does get quite soft and low-detail the smaller the minis get.  Not a huge fan of these way the Orcs sculpts turned out (despite being Tre Manor stuff!)


  1. Great looking table- very creative for a 40K game.

    1. Thanks, Codsticker. I've more or less dropped out of 40K, but I enjoy a cool/different table in any game I can play.
