Sunday, September 29, 2019

Games!: More CCC Dungeon Crawl Testing

Ran two quests this afternoon...and lost two hero parties.

Both quests were run on the same table, an eight-chamber layout, the goal was simple: get to the other side alive.

 Our first quest, our veteran party (with a whoppin' three quests under their belt!) enters on the bottom right of the picture...

 In the very first room we encounter a Wyvern and ratmen immediately...they're dispatched with no major issues.
 The next Chamber and disaster strikes.  We're ambushed by Ghouls while a Giant storms up...he's beyond any of our powers.
 We decide our best hope is to run and get a distance on the Giant to leave him behind (he's slow after all).
 We hoped the next chamber would be empty or simple and we could get make a serious run from the wasn't.
 The next Chamber punished magic users and we ran into a line of Lizardmen and an Ogre...
 Tod, our illustrious man-at-arms tried to keep the Giant at bay...and was killed immediately.
 Our first hero party was slain we whipped up a new hero party and tried tackling the dungeon from the other end...
 My first roll should have told us precisely how this would go...
 About six rooms in we ran into...a wall of death.  Ambushed by spiders and a friggin' Dragon and a gloom serpent...there was no way out.

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