Sunday, January 9, 2022

First minis of 2022.

 I threw some paint on three more men-at-arms (likely to find use with Merciless skirmish games and the dungeon crawl).  I'm struggling to stay motivated on these guys because I'm really wanting to build and paint something else, but only six more and I can set them aside.

My goal for early 2022 is to finish up a bunch of unfinished projects - or even throw them out or sell them off.  Too much clutter sitting around my desk - something I don't normally have.


  1. Strange convergence in the group mind. My major focus this year is going to be clearing out the trays of shame. I think I've seen at least one more person blogging about the same. Curious....

    1. Yeah, I'm normally pretty good about buy-build-paint...but a handful of small projects I have acquired and just lost all interest in, but they're half I can't really sell them off, and I don't want to trash them! I have quite a small pile of shame compared to a lot of people, but it's the things I don't like anymore that I struggle with. If they sit long enough, they do get thrown out or handed off to friends.
