Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Zvezda 15mm T-70's...opinions included!

I've recently received a few orders from 'The Estonian' (an Estonian eBay shop which sells quite a selection of Zvezda at very fair prices).

I decided to start reducing the pile and I put together three of the new Zvezda 15mm T-70's.  While they're serviceable kits, I can't recommend them - particularly compared to the very nice Battlefront one.  However, as usual, at $3.50 a pop, they're tough to ignore.

The Zvezda models are far more true-scale, which means very very spindly/tiny gun barrels, tracks, machine guns, etc.  The pins/guides for assembling are very small, and I suspect as the molds age, this kit will get worse and worse.  It's also, unfortunately, a lot of pieces...for no real reason.

Am I happy having three more painted T-70s?  Sure.  But it was not a pleasant build and I highly suspect I'll be replacing snapped barrels sooner rather than later.  The Battlefront kit is simpler and more robust (admittedly some details are exaggerated, but for game play...I find this an acceptable trade off.).

Enough rambling, tanks!

1 comment:

  1. They look fine painted up; shame the kit is over done.
